Be careful of your friends & family
Sometimes we become so comfortable with the familiar people around us, we may not notice which of them may be toxic in our lives.
That toxicity may not even be intentional. Some folks can drain you of your energy, spirit, motivation, and overall enthusiasm towards living, and not even know it. We act primarily with our self interests in mind, and that can lead to blinders towards how those actions affect the ones around us.
One thing I've been working on, is solving my problems instead of sharing them. I also pay attention to those that come to me with their problems; many of the times, they're not looking for solutions, but rather an opportunity to vent & seek affirmation. When I try to provide practical steps, i'll get replies like "you don't understand".
I do understand though.
What they're really saying is "You're not agreeing & feeling sorry for me, so I'm going to dismiss your take on my situation". When you care about these people, this can take an emotional toll on you as well.
We need to put a bit more faith in ourselves that we can solve our problems. It's rarely a specific strategy we're lacking, but more so a will to step outside our familiar zone into something new (even if it's for the best).
We all got problems, it's not a competition of pain. We're all going through difficulties, that's the essence of life, and the sole means of progress if you think about it (no pain, no gain).
I know the futility of venting because I've vented to no avail on multiple occasions. I've also sat and given advice to close friends, who end up only changing when they were ready, and then, my advice wasn't needed.
Don't hold people down, and don't let people hold you down, no matter who they are in your life. Spend your existence on the people that bring you energy, excitement, happiness, wonder, inspiration, and laughter. There needs to be a level of emotional natural selection.
If people want to spend their time feeling sorry for themselves, they should do it without expense to others.
If you're one of those people, don't bring others down with you. The people that care about you are going through their own sh*t don't burden them with yours.
With that said, there's nothing wrong with asking for help, just don't let the person helping you regret the time & energy they spent to do so.
Trust yourself, you've been gifted with more than you know. Pay attention to whether you have a real problem, or just a fear of it's solution.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
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